"That You May Believe"
Bulletin https://faithlife.com/slccfaith/bulletins/92797489
“That You May Believe”
John 20:24-31
1) The Bible gives adequate _____ that Jesus was, who He said He was, and that He ____ and ____ again.
John 20:30-31a
John 21:25
John 20:24
2) It is impossible to be __________ by one another if we are in _________ from one another.
John 20:25
Luke 24:11
John 20:26
John 20:19
3) When we fail or sin, and we all do, _____ is so _________ in offering ___________.
John 20:27
4) Be ______ with God about what you are __________ with, whether sin or unbelief, and God will meet you to help you overcome that sin or unbelief.
John 20:28
John 20:29
I Peter 1:8
John 20:30-31
5) The _________ is overwhelming, Jesus is who He said He is. He died and rose again and we can have _______ ____ by believing in Him.